Saturday, January 23, 2010

Bowel Polyps Know Anything About Polyps In The Bowel? Hereditory?Do I Have Cancer?

Know anything about polyps in the bowel? Hereditory?Do I have cancer? - bowel polyps

I had died a colonoscopy for colorectal cancer than my father when I was young. They found polyps and removed them. 3 months waiting for that for laboratory analysis. Results this afternoon. Every opportunity that I have cancer?


Smiling said...

3 months? This is not acceptable.

Your doctor should have the results within 7 days. In my last colonoscopy, a polyp was removed and with a history of polyps, took my doctor a laboratory of the hospital during the night and called me this evening with the results. Negative. He did not want to have to wait on a weekend news.

I suggest you find another gastroenterologist. Who assigns the highest priority in their patients. Ask around. Call your doctor and ask rec praise.

Do not wait 3 months for all the test results. They are more important than that. Good luck to you.

Smiling said...

3 months? This is not acceptable.

Your doctor should have the results within 7 days. In my last colonoscopy, a polyp was removed and with a history of polyps, took my doctor a laboratory of the hospital during the night and called me this evening with the results. Negative. He did not want to have to wait on a weekend news.

I suggest you find another gastroenterologist. Who assigns the highest priority in their patients. Ask around. Call your doctor and ask rec praise.

Do not wait 3 months for all the test results. They are more important than that. Good luck to you.

ringocox said...

Polis many hereditary and must be investigated by colonoscopy. There is a risk of cancer, but benign. I hope that this will be removed and treated by a pathologist.

purple said...

Cancer is a possibility .... What IS the candidate for the colonoscopy?
I offer a routine colonoscopy for colorectal cancer screening for everyone over 50 years. Some other high-risk groups may suffer a precautionary colonoscopy at an early age. The high risk groups are people with a family history of colorectal cancer, history of polyps, a history of inflammatory bowel disease, just to name a few. A colonoscopy is often recommended to explore specific symptoms such as blood in the stool, diarrhea, anemia, or monitor an abnormal X-Ray. As already mentioned, too many conditions set by the reality of being treated with the scale.

gangadharan nair said...

Please consult the website for details of intestinal polyps, colon cancer.
When cancer patients are not return (again) to 5 years as cured. Because colorectal cancer is often returning after 5 years. Phase I, II and III are considered potentially curable cancer. In most cases, stage IV cancer is curable.

gangadharan nair said...

Please consult the website for details of intestinal polyps, colon cancer.
When cancer patients are not return (again) to 5 years as cured. Because colorectal cancer is often returning after 5 years. Phase I, II and III are considered potentially curable cancer. In most cases, stage IV cancer is curable.


I hope that everything goes well today. My father died a year ago of cancer begins in the belly, I'm 16 and I kind of know what it is. I am sure he will be fine.
Good Luck


I hope that everything goes well today. My father died a year ago of cancer begins in the belly, I'm 16 and I kind of know what it is. I am sure he will be fine.
Good Luck

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